November 23, 2011

Life for Eternity

For the past 10 years my Grandma Ruth has lived with us, she had dementia and had gotten to the point where she could really do anything herself besides eat.. Sometimes. We knew that she would soon go but we had also been thinking this for the past 10 years! So Monday November 21st, when she fed herself breakfast and lunch, it came as a shock when my dad went in to get her for dinner and the sweet lady had past away in her sleep. She is now in the loving arms of her wonderful husband who has been waiting faithfully for her. My grandma had dementia for a long time. She got it before I was born so I never really knew her for real. We had many memories with grandma.

She was so sweet, funny, (mean sometimes when you tried to take her candy), and a big part of all our lives. When I was little when we would go play at her house we would go outside and ride bikes and the bottoms of our pants would get dirty and she would chase me with a broom trying to brush it off, so I'd ride away as fast as I could! But this sweet lady never lacked at telling us she loved us.. I would frequently paint her nails and she would LOVE it and tell me over and over how much she loved me. She even told me I was her favorite granddaughter one time. :) I cant wait to see my sweet grandma again!

Im so grateful for the knowledge of the gospel that I have! I know that my family and all others can be together forever and eternity! There is no other group of people I would want to be with then the people I love more than anything in this world! I have a hard time being in Rexburg and not seeing my family for days at a time let alone forever. I dont know what I would do with out the gospel/ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints is True! I know it! and I love it!

November 7, 2011

Colonial 311

This is my 3rd semester at BYU-Idaho and I have yet again been lucky enough to be stuck with 5 AMAZING roommates. We get along so well and though we find little flaws in each other we are able to look beyond it most of the time and have so much fun together! We haven't even known each other for 3 months and I feel like we've been friends forever! 
First and BEST is my BFF Cousin and Room roommate Laura. When we decided to room together this semester I was completely unaware of just how much our personalities would click! We have not gotten in a single fight or disagreement about anything and we laugh EVERY second of the day. We have so many inside jokes already and are never seen apart from each other except walking to and from class. We always complete each others sentences and get each others jokes when no one else does. I think the other roommates think we are super weird sometimes.. cuz we are. But we have had so much fun together and I love her so much! 
We went and fed ducks one time and they were sooo scary! They were seriously going to eat us but it has been so fun having La here this semester and I will be so sad without her this Spring!
The big grey ones in front were so scary!

Laura tried to smile at them to make them happy and like her or something..
Next is Cassi Ructhi. We first hit it off when she tried out for the softball team and when there wasn't enough girls, asked me to join her team. WE had a lot of fun but after the first game she really hurt her arm and couldnt play anymore! But she is the sweetest girl Ive ever met! I love her to death and I cant wait to continue to have more fun times with her!

Next is Carissa Hatch. She can be super quiet but when you get her talking she is so funny. I remember the first time we ever got her to do something that some people might think of as embarrassing but I think it made us grow stronger as friends. We were walking to Wal Mart and me and Laura were laughing funny and we made Carissa do it after some convincing. It was so fun, we laughed that way all the way to Wal Mart! I love her so much and her cute personality. 
Fun times at Mini Glow Golf. :)

Next is Sarah DeMille. She is so funny. Form the first night me and Laura heard her kissing her boyfriend out our window and embarrassed her like crazy we have had so much fun. She is always laughing and makes me laugh all the time. She is a little on the crazy side sometimes but its a good thing. Even though she doesn't admit to being the one who has 14 cups on the counter, I still love her. :)

Trip to Kiwi Loco!

And Last but certainly not least is Kaitlin Marie Carter. This girl is one of a kind!  She makes me laugh with everything  she does and says. She is so innocent and cute. She is the oldest of us all but I feel like shes a little sister. She is super boy crazy and always has a story to tell. I love her. 
Bonfire at the Sand Dunes.
Making Matching Tie-dye Shirts!
Mini Golf at Fat Cats
Willy Wonka Halloween

Halloween party
FHE Brothers
Ward Party
Ready for school!
Sleep over in the Living Room!

I love Apartment #311!