August 16, 2017

Our Sweet Ellie Sue

Life with 2 babies is no joke, hence the reason it has taken me 6 MONTHS to get this girls story on the blog but I love the idea of having it here. 

Our Sweet Ellie Sue. 7 weeks after I got pregnant I thought I miscarried but miraculously we saw our sweet baby's heartbeat on the screen the next day and she was still on her way!

She was due February 24th and unfortunately I had absolutely NO indication she was coming any time soon. We decided to set up to be induced the following Monday, February 27th. 

We got to the hospital at 7AM, I had had a few contractions that morning but nothing too big. We got everything set up and waited to hear from my doctor when to start me. At 10:15 they finally started me on Petocin and within an hour I was having HARD contractions. 

If you don't know me, I don't show my emotions too much. I also have a pretty high pain tolerance so though I was hurting pretty good I kept thinking I could handle a little more. So I held off getting my epidural as long as I could. When I finally did I was having a ton of pressure as well.

At 11:50 we called my mom and told her I was about to get my epidural and to come to the hospital. She had been watching Gracie at our house in Rigby until Lexie got off work but I was progressing pretty quick so I wanted to make sure she was there. So Jilinda went over to take her place. We had also got a birth photographer so we told her to come as well.  

Around 12:15 I was told he was on his way up so if I wanted to go to the bathroom that I should hurry and go. It took me forever to get in there with Dillon's help. When I sat down I thought I felt my water break but I wasn't sure. When I got back to the bed I could tell that it had broke but the anesthesiologist was there so I slide to the edge of the bed and got my epidural in place.

They laid the bed down flat so it would start working quicker. 

{SIDE NOTE: the anesthesiologist didn't even have his stuff packed up yet.}

As soon as I was flat on my back the next contraction I felt like I was about to rip open! Haha I laugh about it now but it was AWFUL! I was freaking out! 

1. I had JUST got my epidural in.
2. My MOM wasn't even here yet! 
3. I had only been in labor 2 hours.
4. Did I already say my epidural wasn't working yet!!!

With every contraction I had the urge to push, hard. The nurses just kept telling me to breathe and not push... I kept thinking the baby was going to come out and the nurses weren't even down there yet to catch her if she came out and it felt like it was going to happen any second! 

Dr. Evans from Madison Womens Clinic was my Doctor and I can say without a doubt that he was the BEST person I could have had to deliver Ellie. When he came in he was trying to distract me and it totally didnt work. But through everything else he was so awesome! Right as he sat down our Photographer Erin Smith walked in. I was SOO happy she made it in time. Everything happened so fast and I am so happy we have something to remember it all! 

I had one contraction and Dr Evans said, "Ashley you can't scream! She would have been out that time if you didn't scream!" 

I always thought it was so silly thinking about someone screaming while giving birth. Like come on, you don't have to scream... 

Yes, it flipping hurt so every contraction I was screaming..

One more contraction and at 12:35pm she was out. Holy tired. I thought I was going to pass out. I lay back in the bed and he wiped her off a little before handing her to me and I was actually glad I had a second to catch my breath! What just happened?! I got my epidural and had a baby within 10 minutes! That is not supposed to happen. The nurse said, "well now you know what its like to go natural as compared to having an epidural so you'll know what you really want next time." 
Ill tell you this... That will Never happen again and definitely not by choice! Give me all the drugs! Haha! 

7 lbs 2 oz of perfect. Me and Dillon just sat there staring at her. We were still in awe about what just happened. Even in the craziness of it all I think giving birth is the most spiritual experience on Earth. I don't know how you can't know there is a Heaven and a God who loves us when that baby is laid on your chest for the first time. I could have a whole lot of babies if just for that moment.

When the nurses started cleaning up my mom walked in, literally missing it by minutes. She peeked around  the curtain and all she said was "Oh no!" And started crying as she walked over to the bed. We were both so sad she missed it! 

Our Sweet Ellie Sue. She was so beautiful! So incredibly perfect. 

It was the Best when Gracie met her for the first time! She kept saying "Oh, my baby sister, I love her!" 

We are so blessed to have such a beautiful family.. Life is oh so good!