July 28, 2015

Gracie Lynn Wray

Now that Gracie is a MONTH old I am finally getting around to getting her birth story written down. Thanks to my mom for writing down when everything happened in the hospital or my time guessing would be way off.. It all happened so incredibly quick and went perfectly!

 I started having contractions on Sunday June 21st, they were really random but still an annoyance. They continued Monday and Tuesday and ended up being 5 minutes apart for about an hour and a half so we went into the hospital at 2AM Wednesday morning, I was dilated to a 3, 100% effaced but as you can see from the photo below.... I was way too happy/comfortable! I had no idea what I was supposed to feel yet so I thought I was in "real" pain. Now I know what I was feeling was nothing! Haha Needless to say we were sent home at 3:30AM.

Throughout Wednesday contractions stayed random. Dillon had a softball game at 6 pm and told me I needed to make sure to wait until after to have the baby. I guess Gracie heard him because I started having hard contractions 3 minutes apart 30 minutes after we got home! I really didn't want to be sent home again so I put off going in to the hospital as long as I could! Once I started crying my mom decided for me that it was time to go in at 9:30pm. Luckily they kept me. I was dilated to a 5 and they called the anesthesiologist right when I got there. By 10 my contractions were 1 1/2 minutes apart and I got an epidural at 10:55pm. OH MY GOSH. BEST INVENTION EVER! I don't think I have ever been more relaxed than once I got that. I was exhausted but way happy after that!

I fell asleep until around 4 am when the nurse came in to check on me and ended up asking me if I wanted to start pushing. I was so surprised that I could after such a short amount of time being in there! At 4:45am the nurse called the doctor (yes, after less than 1 hour). The nurse told us that once he got there it would be about 20 minutes until she was born, He got there about 10 minutes later and after pushing TWICE she was out! Everything happened SO fast it was overwhelming! But it was just perfect! Once she was out I was bawling and she only made one little scream then just looked at me with these big eyes. They were trying everything they could to get her to cry to clear out her lungs but she wouldn't! She was just looking at me. So happy. So perfect.

Gracie Lynn Wray was born at 4:59am June 25, 2015. 6 pounds 13 ounces, 19 inches long.

We could never have asked for a better baby. She has been so nice from the very beginning! 

I have always loved my husband more than anything but seeing him hold our baby for the first time and every time since I realize more and more how I could never live without him. He is the BEST dad! Gracie and I are definitely the lucky ones!

When we left the hospital Gracie weigh 6lbs 7oz and by her check up the next Monday she was back up to 6lbs 14oz. If you were wondering how she is eating.. at her 2 week appointment she gained almost 2 pounds weighing 8 LBS 4 OZ! So I guess she's been eating pretty good! Breastfeeding has gone so well and I definitely feel lucky to have had no problems! She is changing every day and we cant believe how fast she's growing up!

Gracie is so happy, so nice and smiles ALL the time! She definitely fills a spot in our hearts and lives that we never knew was empty. She's our perfect little princess  and we are so glad we have her forever!

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