December 9, 2013

He's Still Perfect

I know everyone thinks that their boyfriend/husband/fiance is the better than all others but seriously mine is the best. Everyone should be extremely jealous. I have never felt like I was better than anyone else but I know in this case no one comes close. We get married in 18 Days and there has yet to be a time in which he has made me feel anything less than extremely happy. I never imagined to find someone so perfect for me.

Temple to Temple relay
Murder Mystery Dinner
 We have done so many fun things together and even when we're being boring and doing nothing but homework, I am always where I want to be. I miss him every second we're not together and love every second we're together. I am so in love. Dillon's sister-in-law Katelyn took our engagement pictures and we LOVE them. We took some at the nature park and they turned out so pretty and Katelyn did a great job making us look good!

 18 DAYS!!!!

Time has gone by so insanely fast and I can not wait to marry my best friend. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm nervous or scared but I am so ready and so excited! We have been so blessed throughout everything and I am so incredibly lucky to have such a perfect guy by my side. The next time I do a blog I will be Mrs. Wray. I am so ready. And so incredibly in love.

Because I am so excited I decided to put on a sneak peek of our bridal pictures...
Once again Katelyn did them and we LOVE them

We sent out announcements this week but for anyone we may have missed we are getting married December 28th. The reception will be at the Grant LDS church house from 6-8pm.

Its a good life.

September 9, 2013

If you like a Good Love Story..

If you would have asked me 2 months ago if I would be getting married in December I would've thought you were crazy. I was content with the fact that I would be single for the rest of my life. But little did I know that this perfect Prince Charming was waiting for me in Teton Valley.

How it started
One day in May I was in my Social Work practice class when my teacher, Brother Wray told me he needed to talk to me after class. He told me that his son, Dillon, was working for my cousin Gina's husband, Tony Orduno on a ranch in Victor and that Tony had told him that he wanted to set us up. So it was a surprise when he told his dad this and I just happened to be in his class! So Brother Wray got my number and said that he would have Dillon call me.

Well... He didn't. But I didn't think anything of it and kept on with school and finished the semester. After the semester ended I came to Driggs to live with the Runyans and babysit. Candyce was playing slowpitch softball and the tournament was the week after I got there. She was also on the same team as Tony. On Tuesday July 30 I went to the game and right when I got there Gina said, "Dillon's coming tonight, I was going to call and warn you." I was just happy that I decided to take a shower before going! Right when I saw him the first thing I noticed was, (my favorite thing in the world) THOSE PERFECT TEETH! We talked and he was so easy to talk to, and so incredibly attractive! He came to the games the next two days as well and there was something so different talking with him than any other guy I had ever met. He went home to Rigby on weekends but he asked me if I wanted to go on a date the next week.

Love at First Date
Dill came back Monday night and we were going to go float the river with another couple on Thursday but I invited him to come over to the Runyan's Tuesday night. When he came over both me and Candyce were so blown away with the way he talked about things and how incredibly humble he was. He was so comfortable and I already knew I liked him. Thursday night came and we took the Runyan's drift boat and went to float the river. Mikyla Park came with me to be Dillon's friend, Ben's date. They sat in the back of the boat and Dillon rowed and I was turned around in the front facing him and we talked nonstop the ENTIRE time. I was so surprised at how easy it was to talk to him and how comfortable I was already. This never happens on first dates for me! We both just had so much to talk about and it was SO fun! After that day I KNEW I really liked him and part of me, even though this is crazy, was thinking that I would marry him. But that thought was pushed to the back of my mind because I wasn't getting my hopes up when there was no way this guy would actually like me back.


Best Month Ever
Dill worked at the Targhee Bluegrass Festival that weekend so I didn't see him again until Sunday night where we talked even more. Monday he came with me to FHE and then back to the Runyan's to watch a movie. That night was our first kiss. From then on we've basically been inseparable. That next weekend was full of meeting family and "I love you"s. It was crazy to both of us that everything was happening so fast because neither of us were ever like this in relationships. It never felt right to say I love you and definitely didn't feel right to talk about getting married. But after only 2 weeks of knowing each other we both knew.. I know everyone probably thinks that's crazy and we did/do too! There is honestly no way to explain it but to say that it just feels right.. I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life!

SO glad my two favorite girls 100% approve! They Love Dillon, and his sweatshirt :)

Lets Get Married
Dillon's dad brings boys from Chicago to stay at the ranch every summer so for a week I went over there and hung out with them every night. It was so fun and one night everyone kept joking about us getting engaged and after everyone left/ went to sleep we had our first talk about getting married. We talked about getting engaged the end of September/beginning of October. After that everything went quickly. We went to help my parents move in to their house in Idaho Falls and he met my dad for the first time and asked him if he could marry me. On Saturday we went and looked at rings and Dillon picked out one for me to try on, I wouldn't have picked it to try on but after it was on my finger me and Dill both knew it was the one. He didn't get it then and I wasn't expecting him to get it for a couple more weeks.(Little did I know he had his brother pick it up that same day) The next day I went to his house with his family and we talked about wedding stuff and plans and I was kind of freaking out a little, not because I didn't think we'd get married but just because I felt weird planning my wedding (outside of Pinterest of course) before I was engaged, which I thought was a month away.
His parents met mine the next night at a little birthday party for Shanna. We then came back to Driggs.

Best Proposal Ever
We had been wanting to go hit softballs at the park and on Wednesday, September 4th, Dill said he was going to get off work early because Tony had to leave so it would be a perfect time to go hit. So him and Ben came around 4:30 and picked up me and the girls and we went to the park. I hit first and then we shagged and Reece and Paisley wanted to hit so they tried hitting some then Dillon hit and I pitched to him. He asked how many were left when we weren't even halfway through the bucket. Once there was like 4 left I saw that one was split in half so just thinking it was broken I picked up the others and pitched them. When I picked up the broken one and it opened a little and I saw the ring inside and I closed it again and stood up with it in my hand and I was shaking SOO bad. All I could say was "Oh My Gosh" and I look at him and hes just smiling and I looked down and opened it up and saw my ring again and look back at him and said "Oh my gosh" and "seriously" a couple times and he's like "What is that? Bring it to me" So I closed it again and walked over to him and he took it and got down on a knee.
I still can't even fully comprehend what I was thinking or feeling! There's nothing that compares! I am SO in love with this boy! It was the BIGGEST surprise EVER. I try to think back at things that may have been a hint that I could've caught onto the fact he was going to do it so soon but he did so good! There was nothing! My mom and sister were there waiting as were his parents. His dad was hiding behind the porta potties taking pictures of the whole thing and Ben, who was shagging in the outfield, got it all on video which was so great! Gosh it was so incredibly perfect. Everything about that day was PERFECT.

Let the Planning Begin
It still doesn't feel real for me to say this but I will become Mrs. Ashley Wray on December 28th 2013! And I CAN NOT WAIT!! It is crazy to me that I am able to love someone so much.. I never thought I would ever be this happy in my life!! Everything with our relationship has been absolutely perfect. I feel like I have known him my entire life and he is my very BEST friend. He's everything I have ever wanted and so much more than I ever thought I would find. And the crazy thing is He loves me back!! I am so excited to spend forever and all eternity with my perfect, amazing, beautiful best friend! He makes me so much better and I will never feel like I deserve him! I love him so much and can't wait to start planning for our wedding! I am definitely living in a fairy tale and couldn't imagine anything that would make my life better!

I'm so blessed by my Heavenly Father and know that me and Dillon didn't meet just by chance, there are too many things that went into this to just be coincidence. He knows what he's doing. And I will forever be grateful to Him for sending me to the love of my life!

On a side note.. Hayley is having a baby!!! I'm so incredibly excited to be an Aunt! She's due in March and they will have the sweetest baby in the world! SO happy for them and can't wait to meet that sweet baby!

Life is SO GOOD! More to come!

August 15, 2013

Life is to be Enjoyed

Well Spring Semester FLEW by. I LOVED all my classes and the Social Work program is everything and more than I expected. I love it and am excited for next semester!
My birthday was great but as always it was during finals so there wasn't much of a party but we went and ate at my FAVORITE, Costa Vida! YUM! Afterwards me, Karli and Kyle went to Cocoa Bean and Karli bought me a birthday cupcake. It was so fun. I'm so blessed to have such great friends!


Lexie graduated and its bitter sweet. I'm so excited for her but am bummed I wont be living with her anymore! Ill miss her so much! But my parents are moving back to Idaho Falls so they will be so close and I'm so excited!


Right now I'm in Driggs living with the Runyan's again and watching my two sweet girls again. I feel so blessed to be able to have such an incredible job. I don't know what I would do without this family! I love every minute of it.

Alfalfa and Spanky
 I cant believe this girl is so old! We've been best friends for 4 years! Shes still the sweetest girl I know!

Life is amazing! I am so blessed. This past year has probably been the hardest I have had but everything I have gone through has been 120% for the better. 
Everything I have right now is all because of my Heavenly Father and His incredible plan for me!
He always makes everything so much better than I could have ever imagined for myself.
I am so happy and I can only see it getting better!
Love my life! 

May 19, 2013

I Got In!

Coming back from California was pretty hard but I was ready to be back at school. I stayed for a week with the Runyan's and babysat which was so fun. Paisley wouldn't let me leave her side for the first five days. They got sealed in the temple and I was so happy for them Paisley wouldn't take a picture that was good with her family cuz she kept crying for me to hold her.

Me and Lexie are now living together at school and our roommates are awesome! Lexie is the Relief Society President and I am the Secretary. Its fun to work together in helping the girls in our ward! So grateful for my calling. 
We had the first of our Themed parties the second week of school where we dressed Old School. It was so fun and I'm so excited for more! We also went to Bear World for the first time in forever! It was so fun! 

I decided to play Competitive Softball this semester again and am not regretting it! I love this sport so much and its so fun. Our first game was Saturday and after warming up it had rained so bad the field was full of puddles! I'm looking forward to the rest of the season though! Go Spartans!

The Biggest news I have so far though is that I got accepted into the Social Work Program at BYUI so this semester I started taking my classes and I LOVE IT!! It is exactly what I have wanted to do and I am so grateful to Heavenly Father for helping me decide to apply. I am so blessed to be on this campus and have such amazing teachers and roommates and environment. I'm excited to see what the rest of the semester has in store!