August 15, 2013

Life is to be Enjoyed

Well Spring Semester FLEW by. I LOVED all my classes and the Social Work program is everything and more than I expected. I love it and am excited for next semester!
My birthday was great but as always it was during finals so there wasn't much of a party but we went and ate at my FAVORITE, Costa Vida! YUM! Afterwards me, Karli and Kyle went to Cocoa Bean and Karli bought me a birthday cupcake. It was so fun. I'm so blessed to have such great friends!


Lexie graduated and its bitter sweet. I'm so excited for her but am bummed I wont be living with her anymore! Ill miss her so much! But my parents are moving back to Idaho Falls so they will be so close and I'm so excited!


Right now I'm in Driggs living with the Runyan's again and watching my two sweet girls again. I feel so blessed to be able to have such an incredible job. I don't know what I would do without this family! I love every minute of it.

Alfalfa and Spanky
 I cant believe this girl is so old! We've been best friends for 4 years! Shes still the sweetest girl I know!

Life is amazing! I am so blessed. This past year has probably been the hardest I have had but everything I have gone through has been 120% for the better. 
Everything I have right now is all because of my Heavenly Father and His incredible plan for me!
He always makes everything so much better than I could have ever imagined for myself.
I am so happy and I can only see it getting better!
Love my life! 

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