April 3, 2013

Hello to the Rest of my Life

So.... I started a blog a couple years ago but didn't keep up with it obviously. I have been living in California for the past 2 months and am coming home tomorrow and thought what better time to start again then now?!
On January 27th I took my first plane ride (after missing a flight the day before) with Shanna to San Francisco and from there to San Luis Obispo where she was a nanny and my sister Hayley and Kyle also live! I was so excited to be able to spend time with them!
Deciding to come was a decision I had a hard time with but in the end I knew it was what I was supposed to do and I had no idea how amazing it was going to be! I started babysitting for two families. One was 14 month old twin boys, Levi and Caleb along with their sisters Abbie and Charlie. I LOVED playing with the boys they were so cute and its so fun to see their personalities and differences. Twins are hard! I look up to their mom and my mom and all other moms who have had twins! It was so fun though!
Baths.. No chance of staying dry


I also watched two more boys Ari (9) and Zev (7). After watching Reece for so long I went from Justin Bieber, dancing, hair and house to Star Wars, fighting, and legos. I loved every minute of it! Though I always miss my sweet Reece and Paisley!

Hiking Bishops Peak
Leprechaun Trap

With the rest of my time I spent most of my time with my sisters. We went to Camarillo a couple times to Hayley's in-laws house. We hiked some "mountains" aka hills, went to the beach, had play dates while we all babysat and were out in the SUN as much as possible!
Bob Jones Trail Bike Ride 
FHE bonfire
Morro Rock

Montana de Oro
Pedicure with Hayley in Camarillo
Last Play Date

I learned so much about myself and grew in a lot of ways while living here. From meeting a boy to figuring out my life again. I got into the Social Work Program at BYUI and am so excited for my life! Saying goodbye to my sisters will be so hard.. But Im so glad I know I have them for eternity! While I loved every minute of California I have to admit I missed my mom and dad like crazy.. I cant wait to see them! What I can wait for is the snow and cold of Idaho....

Goodbye beautiful sunny San Luis Obispo... Hello to the rest of my life.

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