January 6, 2014

A Honeymoon and a House

Once all the craziness of the reception was over went to Idaho Falls to the Motel on the Falls for the night. It overlooked the temple and the river and it was so pretty! I didn't know where we were going so it was a great surprise! The next day we drove to Salt Lake City and stayed there for 3 days. It was so fun going to see the lights at temple square and shopping. We had so much fun together and didn't really want to come back! It was an amazing trip but we were also ready to start our life together.

We got home on New Years Eve. I already knew what an amazing year it was going to be. It was crazy going home and spending the night in our first house! It has been so fun to put everything away and decorate, knowing it is ours! I love it! I'm still blown away by the fact I'm with this stud forever and he's never going away. I'm such a lucky girl! He shows me everyday how much he cares about me and he's just perfect. It has been a fun week and I cant wait for years to come! 

The start of Forever.

Mr. and Mrs.

Mrs. Ashley Wray..
Man that sounds good! Its crazy to think that such a short time ago I met the man I would be with through all eternity. From the first day he has showed me so much, helped me change for the better and been such an amazing example of what I want to become. He's my best friend and I could never imagine a better life than one with him. 
Our wedding day started a little crazy.. My temple bag got put in the wrong car and Dillon started driving towards the Idaho Falls temple before his dad caught him and told him to turn around. But eventually we got everything we needed together and went in to get everything situated. Everything was like a fairytale. Holding Dillon's hand as we walked through the temple to be sealed was incredible. Having all our family and friends there was such an incredible experience and then kneeling across the alter from this amazing guy I was so overwhelmed. It was just Perfect. As we got ready to walk out of the temple I was so excited to be seen by everyone as Mr and Mrs. We were together. I had never been more happy.

After the temple we went to Rigby for a luncheon. It was so pretty and a lot of fun.

Then it was time for the reception. So much planning and decorating all leading up to this. I am so thankful for my mom and my sisters who helped me so much and for all the boys hanging the lights and getting the TV and everything working. It all ended up perfect. So many people came and it was so fun. I'll never forget it.

We had the Sweetest Flower girls in the world and the cutest little boys. 

Me and Dillon'f first dance was so perfect. It all sank in and I was so, so in love. He's more than everything I've dreamed of. After we danced Dillon and his mom danced then me and my dad. For a couple months before me and my dad (with the help of Hayley and Kyle) had been planning something a little extra for our dance. We started off with a slow song and then the CD seemed to "skip" and it started into "Twist and Shout" where we started doing a dance we had planned, the songs changed a couple more times and it was even better that I thought it would be! No one knew it was coming and it was so funny. It was so fun and I'm so glad I have such an amazing dad to share that with. He's the best :)

Traci Maurino made our cake it it was PERFECT. She did such an amazing job and I loved it! Thank you Traci! Of course cutting the cake ended with 5 pounds if frosting down my dress and a sticky face for the rest of the night. But it was more than everything I had dreamed of since I was a little girl planning my dream wedding. 

The man I married is more than I had ever thought to put myself with. I'm so excited to be with him through this life and the next, through ups and downs I know he will treat me like a princess for the rest of forever. Way more than I deserve. I am so blessed to have such an amazing man in my life. I could never ask for a better life than this one. 

Here's to FOREVER.

January 4, 2014

Christmas Break

Christmas, the Wedding and New Years all flew by once school was out. My sister Hayley, her sweet baby belly and her husband Kyle came up on Thursday Dec. 19 and I took my Endowments out at the temple on that Friday. Holy cow. It was such an amazing experience! I loved every second of it. I feel so blessed to have this gospel and be able to go through the temple. I loved having my family there with me and being able to see Dillon throughout it as well. Dillon's family also all came and I was very happy to have them there! So incredible.

On Saturday we had a double shower plus family Christmas party day. First we had a Baby shower for Hayley then a Bridal Shower for me and that night our Thompson family Christmas party. It was a GREAT day but it was actually quite a relief to have everything over. Haha

On Christmas Eve Dillon's family had their Christmas party and we also opened a few presents. Dillon had been keeping a surprise from me for what seems like FOREVER and I had no idea what it was and it was driving me crazy so when he finally gave it to me I was so excited! Its the Best Christmas present! He made me a BEAUTIFUL cedar chest because he had heard me say one time that I really wanted one. I feel so lucky that he is so incredibly talented! Our house is going to look so perfect because he can make anything and everything I want and it will be so amazing! He's seriously a stud. That's all there is to it. 

Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday! Even though it was so crazy because the wedding was so close, it was still an amazing day! Me and Dill decided to spend our last Christmas mornings with our own families. It was way fun but I'm excited for me and Dillon's first Christmas together!

The day after Christmas we went right back to the wedding craziness. Everything worked out perfectly though. I am so blessed to have such an amazing family, especially my mom, who helped me plan and fix everything! It was such an incredible day and there were so many people that made it that way! Thank you!

A blog of our wedding day is coming soon :)