January 6, 2014

A Honeymoon and a House

Once all the craziness of the reception was over went to Idaho Falls to the Motel on the Falls for the night. It overlooked the temple and the river and it was so pretty! I didn't know where we were going so it was a great surprise! The next day we drove to Salt Lake City and stayed there for 3 days. It was so fun going to see the lights at temple square and shopping. We had so much fun together and didn't really want to come back! It was an amazing trip but we were also ready to start our life together.

We got home on New Years Eve. I already knew what an amazing year it was going to be. It was crazy going home and spending the night in our first house! It has been so fun to put everything away and decorate, knowing it is ours! I love it! I'm still blown away by the fact I'm with this stud forever and he's never going away. I'm such a lucky girl! He shows me everyday how much he cares about me and he's just perfect. It has been a fun week and I cant wait for years to come! 

The start of Forever.

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