September 23, 2014

In Case You Didn't Know..

Each week at BYU-Idaho we have a Devotional where someone comes and speaks addressing different topics ranging from education to marriage. Today we had the opportunity to hear from a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Jeffry R. Holland, who is pretty much a main man in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His talk was so inspiring. Along with this happening, I am taking a class called Teachings of the Living Prophets this semester and it got me thinking about those of you who may not know what we truly believe as "Mormons".

One of the most incredible truths of this gospel is that we have a Living Prophet who actually speaks with God... I know. Mind blowing stuff. The President of our church, Thomas S. Monson, is called of God to preach his word to the world and testify of Christ. I think some members of the church may even take this for granted. A member of the British Supreme court (not of the LDS faith) once asked if the members understood the importance of this message, saying that if it was true it is the greatest message to come to the earth since the birth of Christ. 

For those that think that God no longer speaks to us, President Hugh B Brown(1883-1975) of the first presidency, asked this simple question, "Why do you think it stopped?"

He then gives possible answers,
"Perhaps it is because He cannot, He has lost his power."
"If you don’t accept that, perhaps he doesn't speak to men because he doesn't love us anymore. He is no longer interested in the affairs of men"
"The only other possible answer as I see it is that we don’t need him. We have made such rapid strides in education and science that we don’t need God anymore."

If you believe in God at all I believe that it would be hard to find any of these possible solutions true. God loves us and wants to be a constant part of our lives, giving us direction to return to Him.

I think it is easy to believe in Prayer. That someone out there may be listening if you get down on your knees and talk. I know without a doubt that you will get an answer every single time. Sometimes we think He doesn't answer because we don't get what we want. But he always answers in a way that will benefit us.

Now believing that there is a man who can talk to God and that God tells him counsel for the ENTIRE WORLD (not just those of LDS faith)... That's something bigger to wrap your head around. On October 4th and 5th we have the opportunity to hear what our Heavenly Father has told the Prophet, and other great leaders of our faith, to tell us. Its coming directly from Him! If God has something to say to us we will find it in their words. I know it with all my heart. I plead with anyone who reads this who isn't planning on turning on the TV to do it. I know that you will feel the spirit testify of the truth that is spoken.

President Thomas S. Monson

I am so blessed to have the testimony that I do of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the prophets that he has on the earth today. I hope all of you will learn this truth as well and do something about it. If you already know it, tell someone who doesn't. The gospel is too beautiful not to share. I hope if anyone has any questions or reservations about the church or learning about it that they would Ask, me or someone else close to you. Don't just assume rumors you hear and think that you know all about the "Mormons" and don't just read what I say. Find out for yourself about it and you will find a beautiful answer. I love my Savior. I hope everyone can get to know Him and love Him the way I do.

<3 Ashley

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