April 14, 2014

New Nephew, New Apartment

Its hard to believe it's already been a full semester of being married! It seems like yesterday but at the same time feels like we've been married for forever! We love married life and having our best friend with us all the time.
This semester Dillon was on track for the winter semester and I babysat for a couple families, hating the snow and hating Dillon's homework as much as he did, (if not more). He finished his last final Saturday night and we are both sooo excited about it. 
A couple other things that happened this semester... I cut my hair for the first time in forever, I got the internships that I wanted for the next two semesters of school (aka I'm graduating really soon), Dillon got a landscaping job for the summer, he also finally got a smart phone!
We have had a lot of fun together but definitely our favorite thing was meeting our sweet new nephew Sullivan Kyle Maddux! He is the sweetest baby ever and we were so happy we had the chance to go down to California with my family and see him! I could hold him forever! We wish they lived closer! I mean look at this sweet boy!!

 We also didn't mind the sunshine and the beach while we were there!

We made a heart for us at Bubble Gum Alley, it was super gross.

At the finale of the semester we moved out of our cute first house and into an apartment. Even though our house was bigger/two bedrooms and no neighbors, we both LOVE our new place and the fact that it doesn't actually smell old (you cant get that smell to go away!). It has been fun being able to call it our own, knowing we wont be leaving for a while and I have loved decorating, finally getting my frames painted and setting up Easter decorations my mom got for me! 

We are so in love with our lives and everything we have. We have been more than blessed for the past 3 months and everything we have hoped for has worked out perfectly! We are so in love and have yet to have a real "fight", the only disagreement we really have is that I want to paint our kitchen chairs different colors and sometimes Dillon thinks it might be too much (but I'm going to do it anyway haha. Love you Dill!)
With it being so close to Easter we are so grateful for our Savior and we know we wouldn't be who we are or where we are without him! We are so blessed by his Atonement and gospel every day of our lives and feel his love for us! We are all so loved!

Here's to another semester as Mr. and Mrs. Dillon Wray. We can't wait for what is in store for us! 

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